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I was going to write something about Arrested Development, but this article at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette pretty much covers what I would have said.

If you don’t read the article, know that FX is showing a mini-marathon of the show starting at 2 PM Sunday, and a new episode airs at its regular time of 9:30 PM on Fox (also on Sunday).

In my opinion, AD is the funniest show currently on TV (even better than the recently concluded fourth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which I found a bit disappointing).

It’s quite possible that the show won’t return next season, so you should check it out while you can.

Update [Apr.21]: Fox just ordered new seasons of several of their shows (including 24), but there’s still no word on Arrested Development.

Update [Apr.23]: Sunday’s episode, “Not Without My Daughter”, will be the last episode of the season. The intended season finale, “Let ‘Em Eat Cake”, has been pushed back indefinitely. If there is a second season, it’ll presumably air then.

Update [May.18]: Fox won’t officially announce their fall schedule until Thursday, but Daily Variety has early word that Arrested Development has been renewed. Great news. And I haven’t been able to confirm it yet, but the proper season finale of AD might air June 6th.

Update [May.27]: Last post about this. “Let ‘Em Eat Cake” does air June 6th, but at 8:30PM. Then, at 9:30, the pilot is on. And I presume that they’ll rerun every episode until new episodes are ready. So if you’ve never seen the show before, you have another chance.


I have to admit that I really didn’t care for the last season of The Sopranos. Seasons one through three were amazing; four dragged. Everything that happened in four could have been accomplished in half the number of episodes.

That being said, I’m starting to get excited for the fifth season, which debuts March 7th. One reason is that sweet photo/painting/whatever on HBO’s site [and at the top of this post]. Another is Steve Buscemi, who’s directed a couple episodes (including one of my all-time favorites, season three’s “Pine Barrens”, where Paulie and Christopher get lost in the woods), joins the on-screen cast as Tony’s cousin.

I’m going to give season four another try. I have the DVDs from Netflix and two and a half weeks to watch them, which shouldn’t be a problem (I can—and have—watch a whole season in a day).

Even if season four still sucks, I’ll be watching on the 7th.


According to Chortle [via AICN], The Daily Show’s Produce Pete Steve Carell will star in the US version of BBC’s The Office. A great choice, if true.

Of course, it’s a bad idea to remake the original, but it could be in worse hands. Greg Daniels, who co-developed King of the Hill and wrote some Simpsons and Seinfeld episodes, is heading it up, and Ricky Gervais is helping out in some capacity.

For those who don’t know, The Office ran on the BBC for two seasons at six episodes a piece. Both seasons have aired on BBC America. A couple years later (last month), two Christmas specials ran on consecutive nights in the UK, ending the series for good. Those two episodes have yet to air in the US.

The Series 1 DVD has been out for a while, and the Series 2 DVD hits April 20th. According to early specs, it looks like the Christmas specials aren’t included. For the determined and impatient, getting these episodes online isn’t too tough. They’re worth seeking out, as they end the show quite nicely.

And for those who’ve never seen the show, it’s pretty fucking brilliant. I’ve said to a couple people that The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and the recent Arrested Development are three of the best comedies since Seinfeld.


An official announcement is forthcoming, but it looks like Freaks and Geeks IS getting a DVD release in April. I’ve only seen the “you can’t say ‘bitch’ on Fox Family Channel” versions, so this is good news.


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